After 30 years of service, the internationally recognised ‘spring leaf’ NASAA Organic Certification Label has undergone a makeover.
In launching the new look label, NASAA Chair, Glenn Schaube said, ‘The new look NASAA certification label offers operators a more contemporary design, while ensuring close recognition with the original ‘spring leaf’ Label.
The fresh clean design provides greater flexibility in a range of packaging applications and is a proven userfriendly element for graphic designers.
NASAA is the leading Certification provider in Australia. With the largest area of organic land and over 13,500 individual Australian and international operators certified to the NASAA Organic Standard the, NASAA Label makeover comes at an exciting time in the history of NASAA and organics generally.
Mr Schaube said, ‘The organic industry is growing at around 15 percent per year, and worth close to $200bil internationally and $2.0bil domestically. As clean energy is the future of energy production, so too is clean agriculture the future of food production.’
As a world leading mark of organic production and quality, the new look NASAA ‘spring leaf’ label will help to ensure that Australian certified organic produce remains an integral part of the organic industry’s growth both here and overseas.
NASAA’s Organic and Biodynamic Standard is recognised internationally across the organic supply chain and covers, input manufacturers to producers, processors to wholesale and retail operations. It ensures organic integrity from paddock to plate.
All NASAA Certified operators should direct inquiries concerning the use of the new look ‘spring leaf’ Label to the NCO Team. The NASAA Label Style Guide outlining correct use of the NASAA Certification Label can be downloaded from the NASAA website.
Mr Schaube said, ‘Alongside the provision of the supporting style guide we will continue to provide personal oneon-one guidance in the use of the label to all of our current and NASAA Certified Organic operators.’
‘We are also very aware that changing labels can be daunting and expensive, so a two year transition period is provided from the date of release for existing operators. This will allow operators to plan their transition to the new packaging and labelling and make best use of the new look ‘spring leaf’ NASAA Label,’ Mr Schaube said. From the date of release, newly certified operators will be required to use the new look NASAA label.
Importantly, no operators will be required to destroy large quantities of packaging materials in order to conform to the new rules. In some cases the printing and production of packaging and promotional materials may occur on a cycle longer than 24 months, so where justified, an extension may be negotiated.
New look spring leaf NASAA Label Phasing out in 2021.
The National Association for Sustainable Agriculture, Australia supports the development and growth of organic food production in Australia and overseas.
Glenn Schaube, NASAA Chair
08 7231 7700
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