NASAA Organic (National Association for Sustainable Agriculture Australia) is Australia’s first organic industry Association. Like the rest of the country, we have been devastated by the enormity of the natural disasters that have ravaged many regions across Australia in recent years.
NASAA Organic, supported by Meat and Livestock Australia (MLA) and North Coast Local Land Services (LLS), is holding an event to help the Mid-north coast of New South Wales community with continued recovery.
We aim to support individuals with properties directly impacted by the bushfires or recent flood or those taking the opportunity to consider how to effectively design their property to be more resilient for future climate extremes.
Our keynote speaker, Kim Deans, is a Regenerative Agriculture Coach with Integrity Soils and is one of the national authorities in soil health, effective water management, increasing biodiversity, and post-disaster management. Kim is a leading expert in Regenerative Agriculture and will share her knowledge and expertise in a range of farming principles and practices.
Having been personally impacted by the fires in Tingha NSW in 2019, Kim knows only too well the heartache and pain associated that follows after an enormous loss.
Be enlightened by Kim’s inspirational recovery journey, as she explains how practising regenerative agriculture principles improved the resilience and recovery of their property.
Kim will share tips gained from her experiences of working with hundreds of landholders responding to and recovering from natural disasters over her 30-year career in agriculture in relation to three essential areas: Financial resources, human resources and natural resources.
Natural disaster recovery takes years, and this event presents an opportunity to pause and take stock, to connect with others and process what you have done to date, before taking your next steps forward.
This is a free community event open to all: Small and Large landowners and businesses.
RSVP is essential: Via Eventbrite https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/recover-restore-regenerate-free-community-event-tickets-146863365279
For more information contact Kate Parker on 08 7231 7704 or via email: kate.parker@nasaa.com.au