The NASAA Organic & Biodynamic Standard 2016 provides a framework for the organic industry covering production, processing, transportation, labelling and importation. The NASAA Organic and Biodynamic Standard is continually under review.
The purpose of the reviews is to ensure that requirements detailed within it are current and up-to-date with National and International Regulatory requirements for organic production, processing and trading. This fulfils the organic principle of care to assess new technologies and review existing methods.
NASAA invites all members, inspectors and certified NCO operators to actively engage in and contribute feedback on an ongoing basis. Your experience in the practical implementation of the requirements of the current Standard provides valuable feedback and opportunity to improve.
NASAA members, certified operators and members of the public are free to submit a submission to amend the NASAA Organic and Biodynamic Standard.
Request a copy of the NASAA Organic and Biodynamic Standard
National Standard for Organic and Biodynamic Produce
The National Standard for Organic and Biodynamic Produce (referred to as ‘the National Standard’) was first implemented in 1992 as the Australian Export Standard for products labelled as Organic or Biodynamic for Australia to negotiate an equivalency agreement with the EU.
In the early 1990s the EU was the main export market for organic products from Australia.
The National Standard stipulates minimum requirements for products placed on the market with labelling that states that they have been produced under Organic or Biodynamic production systems.
The National Standard aims to ensure conditions of fair competition in the marketplace by differentiating those products produced according to this National Standard from those produced by other means that are unable to be verified.
Use of the National Standard provides transparency and credibility for the industry and protects the consumer against deception and fraud.
Organic certifying organisations, such as NASAA Certified Organic (NCO), have been accredited by the Australian competent authority to apply the National Standard as a minimum requirement to all products produced by operators certified under this system for exports from Australia.
All operators seeking to sell product labelled as Certified Organic must be certified by an accredited organisation such as NASAA Certified Organic (NCO) for exports.
The certifying organisations have documented policies and procedures that are able to confirm that operators certified through their organisation comply with the National Standard for Organic and Biodynamic Produce.
The National Standard for Organic and Biodynamic Produce also forms the basis of equivalency agreements between the Australian Government and importing countries. Equivalency agreements are in place with the European Union, Switzerland, Japan and Taiwan.
Individual certifying organisations may stipulate additional requirements to those detailed in the National Standard.
NASAA Organic Trader Standard for retail certification
NASAA accepted the administration and operation of the retail certification scheme, from the Organic Retailers and Growers Association Australia (ORGAA), in July 2002.
The NASAA Organic Trader Standard provides a benchmark for organic certification encompassing retailer, restaurants, home delivery, food preparation and market operations.
This Standard should be read in conjunction with the current edition of the NASAA Organic and Biodynamic Standard which outlines the requirements for certification from farm production through to on and off-farm processing, transportation, export and import.
The NASAA Organic Trader Standard is an important additional tool that provides consumers with a guarantee of integrity for products claiming to be Organic, thereby facilitating consumer confidence in business practises.